To operate Gmail from the keyboard,
- make sure keyboard shortcuts are enabled for Gmail
and use the following shortcuts. Typically, you only have to press the stated key (no Ctrl, Alt or Command key required).
In the Message List
- Enter or o: Open the currently focused (as indicated by the black arrow) conversation
- Shift-Enter or Shift-O: Open the current conversation in a new browser window
- x: Check or uncheck a conversation
- j: Go down to the previous conversation
- k: Go up to the next conversation
- h: Get a preview of the currently focused conversation (with Message Sneak Peek enabled)
- u: Refresh the mailbox or label (checking for new messages)
- s: Mark the currently focused conversation with a star
- * (Shift-8) followed by
- a: Check all visible conversations in the current view
- n: Uncheck all visible conversations
- r: Check read, visible conversations
- u: Check unread, visible conversations
- s: Check starred visible conversations
- t: Check visible conversations not starred
With Messages Checked in a Mailbox or Label
- y: Archive the conversation (if in the Inbox) or remove the current label (if in a label's view)
- e: Archive the conversation (no matter the view)
- # (Shift-3): Delete the conversation
- ! (Shift-1): Mark the conversation as spam
- + (Shift-=, but = alone works as well): Mark the conversation as important
- -: Mark the conversation as not important
- l: Open the Labels menu to add or remove labels
- v: Open the Move to menu, adding a label and archiving the conversation
- Shift-U: Mark the conversation unread
- Shift-I: Mark the conversation read
- Shift-T: Create a new task linked to the conversation (with Tasks enabled)
- m: Mute the conversation
- Future messages in the same thread will go to the All Mail archive straight away bypassing your Gmail Inbox unless your email address is in the To: or Cc: line.
While Viewing a Conversation
- y: Archive the conversation (if in the Inbox) or remove the current label (if in a label's view)
- e: Archive the conversation (no matter the view)
- # (Shift-3): Delete the conversation
- r: Reply to the sender only
- Shift-R: Start your reply in a new browser window
- a: Reply to the sender and all recipients beside yourself
- Shift-A: Start your reply to all in a new browser window
- f: Forward the conversation
- Shift-F: Start your forward in a new browser window
- ! (Shift-1): Mark the conversation as spam
- + (Shift-=; or just =): Mark the conversation as important
- -: Mark the conversation as not important
- s: Mark the conversation with a star
- l: Open the Labels menu to add or remove labels
- v: Open the Move to menu, adding a label and archiving the conversation
- u: Return to the message list
- x: Return to the message list checking or unchecking the current conversation
- Shift-U: Mark the conversation unread and return to the message list
- [: Archive the conversation and open the (chronologically) previous conversation from the message list immediately
- ]: Archive the conversation and open the next conversation from the message list
- Shift-T: Create a new task linked to the conversation (with Tasks enabled)
- m: Mute the conversation
- Shift-N: Update the conversation (when Gmail indicates a new email has arrived that belongs to the current thread)
- n: Move the cursor to the next message in the currently open conversation
- Open a message by pressing Enter after targeting it with the black arrow cursor.
- In a thread encompassing many messages, move the cursor just above the last message whose tab shows the sender, then press Enter to show all message tabs for navigation.
While Composing a Message
- Tab followed by Enter: Send (under Windows)
- Ctrl-S: Save the message as a draft (while composing)
In Gmail Tasks
- Enter: Create a new task above (cursor at the beginning of the current task) or below the current one
- Tab: Indent the task, making it a sub-task
- Shift-Tab: Move the task to the left, promoting it up the task ladder (from sub-task to top level task, for example)
- Ctrl-Up (Windows, Linux) or Command-Up: Move the current task (and its sub-tasks) up
- Ctrl-Down (Windows, Linux) or Command-Down: Move the current task (and its sub-tasks) down
- Shift-Enter: Open the current task's details
- Backspace (in an empty task title; delete the title first): Delete the current task
- Esc: Close Gmail Tasks
- Shift-Esc: Switch the input focus to the main Gmail window
Anywhere in Gmail
- z: Undo the last action if possible (i.e. an Undo link appeared in the yellow status bar near the top)
- c: Start composing a new message
- Shift-C: Start a new message in a new browser window
- d: Start composing a new message with the Cc: field added.
- b: Start composing a new message with the Cc: and Bcc: fields added.
- . (dot): Open the More Actions menu
- g followed by
- i: Open the standard inbox (Priority Inbox or Inbox)
- c: Open Contacts
- d: Open Drafts
- s: Open Starred
- t: Open Sent Mail
- a: Open your All Mail archive
- k: Open Tasks (with Tasks enabled)
- l: Open any label (except in Google Buzz)
- p: Open the phone dial
- /: Focus the Web Search field (with Google Search enabled)
- w: Create a new Google Docs document (with Create a Document enabled)
- / (forward slash): Move input focus to the Search Mail box
- q: Go to the chat box's Search field
- ?: Show a keyboard shortcut reference sheet
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